
Giraffe Partners is a production company that focuses on documentary films and produces long-form television and short films for non-profits and corporate entities.

We are currently producing The Diplomat, a film about Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, directed by his son, David Holbrooke.


THE DIPLOMAT is a documentary about the remarkable life of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, who spent more than five decades – from Vietnam to Afghanistan – engaged in high-stakes diplomacy at the negotiating table where peace is waged and wars are ended. Holbrooke’s singular story will be told from the unique perspective of his eldest son, David, who will investigate his father's life and legacy by talking to Presidents, Generals, journalists and movie stars who considered the Ambassador to be a friend (and some who didn’t). The film will examine Holbrooke's achievements in places like war-torn Bosnia where his skilled diplomacy changed the course of history.


The Diplomat from David Holbrooke on Vimeo.

©2013 Giraffe Partners